Bachelor of Arts in Business Psychology

We are proud to offer an exclusive, new Bachelor of Arts program, which merges the core components of both business and psychology, areas in which Schellhammer Business School excels, to deliver a degree program which meets the demands and complexities of the current commercial world. We recognise that the successful business of today is reliant upon skilled management and leadership who not only have an intrinsic understanding of themselves, but also a clear understanding of the people and teams they work with. This programme will support the successful growth and development of people within an organisation, addressing aspects such as nurturing and maintaining focus and motivation, identification of training needs as well as developing the ability to recognise areas for improved efficiency, productivity, and job satisfaction. Our Bachelor of Arts in Business Psychology is the point at which mainstream psychology and the administration of business meet, with the purpose of delivering a successful, content and highly efficient working environment from productivity, quality, to employee satisfaction. Like all Schellhammer Business School programs you will be exposed to all the core business processes and organisational psychology concepts, in addition to developing the skills required in today’s fast-paced, technology-led business world, and understand how the key external business influencers, such as economics, sociology and law, can impact a business. Future career prospects for diploma holders in the Schellhammer Business School, Bachelor of Arts in Business and Psychology are roles in Marketing, Human Resources Management, Business Consultancy, Recruitment specialist, Organisational consultancy, and Consumer Research.


Human Behaviour
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Neuropsychology
Psychology in Society
History of Psychology
The Contemporary Human Paradigm
Psychology of Emotions
Identity & Self


Concepts of Groups Behaviour
Cognitive Psychology
Theories of Learning
Forensic Psychology
Health Psychology
Research in Social Sciences
The Science of Happiness
Negotiation & Conflict Resolution
Psychology of Education


Social Theories
Consumer Behaviour
Cross Cultural Management
Critical Sociology & Psychology
Rationality & Emotions
Understanding Social Actions
Psychology of Emotions
Psychology of Media
Mindfulness Research
Thesis Elaboration & Tutorial

LANGUAGE CLASSES OFFERED: (Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese Mandarin, Japanese, Russian and English)

Please note that subjects offered may vary from the published list and are revised periodically to ensure maximum relevance to the related industry and business world. Language classes are based on demand (minimum five students) per level and must be chosen prior to the start of the semester.

Course Information
Course Code: BAP-100
Course Duration: 3 academic years
Semester 1: October / Semester 2: February
ECTS (European Credit Transfer System): 180 Points
Minimum age: 18 years old


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